Cases »


Technology: HTC Vive | Customer: SRV

Teatime Showroom experience

Niittyhuippu by SRV is a residential high rise tower in Espoo. It´s connected to a new shopping centre and a subway station. Our customized VR Showroom application lets the potential customers visit the apartments while the building is still in progress and access to the site is not yet possible. The app has been in regular use since summer 2016 in SRV:s sales premises in Niittykumpu and the response from both, customers and sales personnel has been extra positive.

Key features

  • Space and dimensions visualized in a way that is familiar and comprehensive
  • Easy usability and intuitive user interface to guide you through the experience
  • Scenery matching the future view from the appartment and common spaces
  • Interactions to let you change materials and themes to match your likings
  • Scale model to give perspective and information from the site


View from apartment

View from balcony

Selecting material themes